
A Proud Auntie

Vyonne called me ieie for the first time yesterday.
Ieie means auntie in our language.
I am so happy.
She can say papa (her dad), popo (my mom), nuknuk (my dad), nenen (milk), bak (meat), wowo (hot), puakpuak (fall down), bobok (sleep), cuci (wash), eek (poop).
She is just so naughty compare to Sharon and Cheryl.
I couldn't handle her and she doesn't like to be with me either.
She won't look at me or she will cry every time I want to carry her.
When she was little I often tuck her in to sleep.
But things started to change after I often tease her by showing my braces.
She hates it.

Cheryl favorite words is auntie angel.
She couldn't say angel properly.
It sounds more like eaten.
Whenever she sees me, she automatically doesn't want to be with my sister.
She would say want to be with auntie angel, or I am pretty like auntie angel.
She knows my name, and yet she doesn't know her mother's name.
When I went out last night she kept asking about me to my mom.
She said she want to be with me.
That's just so sweet.

Sharon is very sensible.
This morning when she had a phone call with my mom,
she said she want to talk to me because she miss me.
She said to me that she is crying last night because she miss me.
Me and my mom thought that it was just a joke.
It is not.
My sister said she cried last night.
And yes, simply because she miss me.
It's the first time that someone ever miss me till she cry.

I'm so proud to have them in my life.
Auntie loves you all!!

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