
What big cat am I

You have learned that you must rely on yourself, and yourself alone, to live a happy life.
You are understand the world better than most people you know. You are very perceptive and intuitive.

You need lots of space to think. If you don't get the space you need, you're likely to bite someone's head off.
Because you are so thoughtful and solitary, people find you to be intense and mysterious. You're even seen as intimidating.


Current Addiction - not in particular order

the fault in our stars
will grayson, will grayson
paper towns
looking for alaska
an abundance of katherine

love and misadvanture

still waiting for the lover's dictionary by david levithan

wish list:
completing my collection of david levithan's book
how they met, and others stories
every day
love is the higher law
dash and lily's book of dares
the realm of possibility
boy meets boy
nick and norah's infinite playlist
every you, every me
wide awake
the full spectrum
marly's ghost
are we there yet
two boys kissing