
Note to Self

He is going to test you
He is going to test you and push you
and challenge you to new limits inside of yourself
You are going to want to give up and give in
but His plan is better than that
He works better than that
And you have to keep going
Even when you don't know the direction
Even when the road look untraveled upon
Even when there no lights to map the roadway
Just keep going
There is something waiting at the end of this
And all this mess is a part of your becoming
Those trials prove there is gold
Gold all around
Gold you just can't see yet
but baby it's gonna be so clear one day soon
So clear
So clear

Hannah Brencher
Sept 2014


That Day

i remember our highs in hues,
like the color of his eyes
as the sun was setting;
the pale of his hands in mine,
and the blue of his smile.

i remember our sorrows in shades,
like the grey of the shadows,
which loomed that day,
and the white in his lie
when he promised to stay.

p. 45
Love and Misadventure
Lang Leav


We have come so far

In my bathroom.
Two toothbrushes.
One for you and one for me.
It is the little things that matter the most.


a whole new level

I had dinner with Felix's parents last saturday.
It was unplanned.
It was okay.
Not as awkward as the first time when I met his mother.
I met his parents before, but when we were still friends.


Morning Thought

Adhitia Sofyan.
Buying his third album make me have this expectation that it will be better compare to the previous album. 
That's what we do. 
On things, on food, on people. 




alter or move slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.



"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you will recover your life. I will show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly."
