
yay, auntie made it!


So here am I. Becoming an auntie to three little girls is just out of my expectation. I may not as busy as their mom but they have been keeping me attached to them every time I see them. They are just so innocent, funny, hilarious, sweet, annoying, disturbing, and many more. 
Let me introduce you to my three precious girls. 
1. Sharon Angeline Chang aka princess aka the big sister (5,5 y) :: talkative, smart, love to watch tom and jerry show, her no 1 enemy is taking a nap.
2. Cheryl Angeline Chang aka jeng cheryl aka the little sister (1,5 y) :: still learning how to walk properly, she must get everything she wanted otherwise you will hear she sing for free.
3. Vyonne Angeline Chang aka dedek aka the little baby (1 week and still counting) :: sleep at the day and awake at night, still adapting how to live outside her mother's womb. 
The day they were born is one of my favorite moments in life. To saw these pure babies for the first time were so amazing. Knowing that there are tons of thing to do with them just simply made me happy.  

I love to take pictures of them. Making this blog is one of my way to keep our good and bad memories. Auntie may not be able to write all of the things we've shared together but auntie promise to update it as much as auntie could. So here it is. The written journey of an auntie officially started now. Hooray.

Auntie Angel


  1. jel, enon dan cheryl mirip wkt baby. tp yang ke3 ini gak mirip lho. oh yah, gua cici lu yang cantik

  2. iya, yg ketiga aga lain drpd yg lain. hehe.. oh yah, gua dede lu yang cantik (:
